Celo Kenyan Shilling (CKES)

Celo Kenyan Shilling (CKES)

Coin Information

Blockchain icon Blockchain: Celo
Ticker icon Ticker: CKES
Type icon Type: Token
Asset or Contract address icon Contract:

Price Statistics

Fully Diluted Valuation

Coin Supply

Total icon Total: 57 495 510

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About Celo Kenyan Shilling

The Celo Kenyan Shilling (CKES) is a decentralized stablecoin that operates on the Mento Platform, which aims to facilitate the global adoption of digital currencies. This platform provides a stable asset designed specifically for the Kenyan economy, ensuring that individuals and businesses can reliably leverage digital finance. Focusing on stability and accessibility, the Celo Kenyan Shilling fosters financial inclusion and empowers the community to participate in the emerging digital economy.

At the core of the Mento Platform is a suite of self-executing governable smart contracts, which embody the principles of decentralization. The governance of the Mento Platform rests within the community, promoting transparency and trust. Additionally, the Mento Reserve features a diversified collateral approach, which helps to mitigate risks and enhance the overall stability of the ecosystem. With these robust mechanisms in place, the Celo Kenyan Shilling is positioned to maintain its value despite market fluctuations.

The platform also includes innovative features like an on-chain circuit breaker and trading limits, which safeguard the protocol against manipulation and extreme volatility. These features are designed to enhance the security and resilience of digital assets, like the Celo Kenyan Shilling, allowing for a more stabilized trading environment. By abstracting technical complexity, the Mento Platform continues to evolve as a leading solution for launching and managing stablecoins, intending to promote broader economic participation and foster opportunities for all.

Frequently Asked Questions

We currently have no price information of Celo Kenyan Shilling CKES available.
The circulating supply of Celo Kenyan Shilling is unknown
The total supply of Celo Kenyan Shilling is 57495510.
The max supply of Celo Kenyan Shilling is unknown.
Unfortunately the country of Celo Kenyan Shilling is unknown.
Celo Kenyan Shilling is a token running on the Celo blockchain.
The contract address of Celo Kenyan Shilling is 0x456a3D042C0DbD3db53D5489e98dFb038553B0d0.

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