Coin Information

Flag of Japan Japan (JP)
Blockchain icon Blockchain: Binance Smart Chain
Ticker icon Ticker: AMI
Type icon Type: Token
Company icon Company: AMMYI Network
Asset or Contract address icon Contract:

Price Statistics

Market Cap

Fully Diluted Valuation

Coin Supply

Circ icon Circ.: 20 000 000(20%)Question Mark Icon
Total icon Total: 100 000 000
Max icon Max: 100 000 000

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AMI to USD Converter

About AMMYI Coin


Introducing AMMYI Coin, a decentralized ecosystem for all humanity! It is a blockchain-based solution created by a global community of developers. Launched in February 2021 on the Ethereum network, it has been listed on several exchanges, including Vindax, Koinbazar, Coingecko, and CoinMarketCap (CMC), with the trading pair AMI/ETH.


AMMYI aims to introduce unique applications to make human life easier and faster on a global scale.

100% SWAP:

The community later swapped 100% of the tokens to the Binance Smart Chain. AMMYI Coin serves as a peer-to-peer payment solution for all online product and service-based ecosystems.


The community plans to list AMMYI on multiple large exchanges in the future, allowing for trade in multiple pairs and fiat currency.

AMMYI Staking:

Introducing AMMYI’s decentralized staking smart contract: offering an annual 24% APR and a half-yearly 10% APR. Stakers can also earn referral rewards—10% from the first level and 5% from the second level—credited instantly to their wallets.

AMMYI NFTrees Concept:

By August 1, 2021, the community will launch 100 types of plantation-themed AMMYI NFTrees. Any user can plant an oxygen-generating plant, submit photos and short videos, and after receiving approval from 25 global community supporters, the user will be rewarded with predefined AMI tokens. These NFTs can be listed for sale, and other supporters can purchase them. Users can also stake their NFTs to earn APR.

AMMYI Global Marketplace Ecosystem:

Global Ecosystem for Business Owners: The community is developing an app for business owners, allowing them to create their marketplace website in just one minute without any technical skills and accept payments in AMMYI for each sale.

AMMYI Blockchain:

As the user and developer communities grow, the developer community plans to launch a cross-border blockchain with a Layer 2 solution. This will enable developers to create contracts, NFTs, tokens, and more using the AMMYI Blockchain.

It’s safe, secure, transparent, and trusted.

Frequently Asked Questions

The current price of AMMYI Coin AMI is 0.101876 USD.
The circulating supply of AMMYI Coin is 20000000.
The total supply of AMMYI Coin is 100000000.
The max supply of AMMYI Coin is 100000000.
AMMYI Coin is based in: Japan.
AMMYI Coin is a token running on the Binance Smart Chain blockchain.
The contract address of AMMYI Coin is 0x1eF72a1DF5e4d165F84fc43B20D56cAA7DaD46e1.

Github Statistics (Development)

AMI Markets on Crypto Exchanges

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