Stellar (XLM)

Stellar (XLM)

Coin Information

Blockchain icon Blockchain: Stellar
Ticker icon Ticker: XLM
Type icon Type: Cryptocurrency
Company icon Company: Stellar Development Foundation
Proof type icon Proof type: Unknown
Algorithm icon Algorithm: Stellar Consensus Protocol

Price Statistics

Market Cap

Fully Diluted Valuation

$13 287 855 222

Coin Supply

Circ icon Circ.: 28 976 468 165(58%)Question Mark Icon
Total icon Total: 50 001 786 974
Max icon Max: 100 804 001 792

Blockchain Explorers

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XLM to USD Converter

About Stellar

Stellar (XLM) is an open network for storing and moving money. It is designed to create, send, and trade digital representations of various forms of money, including dollars, pesos, and bitcoin. The network aims to unite all the world’s financial systems to operate seamlessly on a single platform. Stellar’s API and SDKs empower developers to transform the finance world, allowing them to build innovative financial applications and services. With its currency connections and efficient protocols, Stellar provides users with the power and reach of an international bank, enabling them to issue tradable assets and access global markets.

Stellar offers a range of products and tools to facilitate different financial services. MoneyGram AccessTM allows converting digital assets and cash globally, while Stellar USDC provides access to the fastest-growing USD stablecoin. The Anchor Platform offers an out-of-the-box solution for businesses to simplify their integration with the Stellar network. The platform also features an Anchor Directory, which provides a comprehensive listing of Anchors on the network. Integration Partners are available to assist businesses in integrating with Stellar, ensuring a seamless user experience. Account Viewer allows users to check their account details and send essential payments, while Kelp is an open-source trading bot for making markets. Stellar Laboratory enables users to compose complex transactions and explore various Stellar operations, while Transaction Explorer provides insights into network activity. The freighter is a Stellar wallet that can be integrated into any website, and Node Explorer allows users to visualize network nodes on Stellarbeat and observe consensus.

Stellar’s versatility extends beyond its products and tools. The platform offers solutions for different sectors, including FinTech, cross-border payments, aid organizations, central bank digital currencies (CBDCs), and asset issuance. For FinTech platforms, Stellar provides global currency access and compliance tools. Its cross-border payment capabilities offer a fast and efficient way to transfer money across borders. Stellar also enables aid organizations to deliver instant and transparent digital aid at scale.

Additionally, it introduces the Stellar network for CBDCs, showcasing its potential in this area. With its network of fiat and crypto institutions, Stellar helps facilitate on/off ramps for exchanges and enables compliant access to local currencies. For asset issuance, Stellar provides a robust network for tokenizing real-world value.

Frequently Asked Questions

The current price of Stellar XLM is 0.265515 USD.
The circulating supply of Stellar is 28976468165.
The total supply of Stellar is 50001786974.
The max supply of Stellar is 100804001792.
Stellar is based in: United States of America.
Stellar is a cryptocurrency running on its own blockchain.
Stellar reached an all-time-high of 0.938144 USD on 4 Jan 2018.

Github Statistics (Development)

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