Asset Avenue (AAV)

Asset Avenue (AAV)

Coin Information

Blockchain icon Blockchain: Solana
Ticker icon Ticker: AAV
Type icon Type: Token
Company icon Company: Asset Avenue
Asset or Contract address icon Contract:

Price Statistics

Fully Diluted Valuation

Coin Supply

Circ icon Circ.: 40 000 000(40%)Question Mark Icon
Total icon Total: 100 000 000
Max icon Max: 100 000 000

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About Asset Avenue

Asset Avenue is revolutionizing real estate investment by merging blockchain technology with property ownership, making real estate more accessible, liquid, and transparent. By leveraging fractional ownership, Asset Avenue eliminates traditional barriers such as high entry costs, lengthy transaction processes, and lack of transparency.

With a real estate market valued at over $235 trillion, Asset Avenue transforms property into a modern, tradable asset class, allowing investors to buy and sell real estate shares within minutes using their smartphones. The platform addresses key industry challenges including low liquidity, high fees, and complex procedures by providing a seamless, efficient, and cost-effective solution powered by blockchain.

Led by a fully doxxed team committed to long-term success, Asset Avenue prioritizes security, trust, and scalability. Our intuitive dashboard lets users easily manage investments, track performance, and access real-time insights.

By bridging the gap between digital and physical assets, Asset Avenue aims to be a key leader in Real World Assets (RWA), democratizing property ownership and empowering retail investors to participate in real estate markets like never before.

Frequently Asked Questions

We currently have no price information of Asset Avenue AAV available.
The circulating supply of Asset Avenue is 40000000.
The total supply of Asset Avenue is 100000000.
The max supply of Asset Avenue is 100000000.
Asset Avenue is a decentralized coin.
Asset Avenue is a token running on the Solana blockchain.
The contract address of Asset Avenue is AAVzPbhsinQk5jnTzsRrhftrjB6txyopdkqH8QmuGVo9.

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