Drunk Robots (METAL)

Drunk Robots (METAL)

Coin Information

Blockchain icon Blockchain: Drunk Robots
Ticker icon Ticker: METAL
Type icon Type: Cryptocurrency

Price Statistics

Market Cap

Fully Diluted Valuation

$5 485 111

Coin Supply

Circ icon Circ.: 222 332 000(8%)Question Mark Icon
Total icon Total: 2 750 000 000
Max icon Max: 2 750 000 000

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About Drunk Robots

Drunk Robots (METAL) is a web3 game with PvP mechanics on the Polygon Network. Players can join furious battles with other robots, with the winner rewarded with plentiful METAL, stunning robo-girls, and an abundance of beer. The game also features a Drunk Race, where the robots design their carts and indulge in a fun-filled pursuit of METAL. Additionally, players can start their journey with the drunk robots by playing mini-games, which provide an easy and free way to earn METAL.

In the Drunk Robots metaverse, the METAL token is essential for various in-game activities such as shopping, energy recovery, and missions. Players can earn METAL by completing in-game activities; all rewards are also paid in METAL. Detailed tokenomics are provided to ensure transparency. METAL tokens can be purchased on platforms like Uniswap and Gate.io. The game introduces various gangs, such as YAKUZA Warriors and CRYPTONAIRES ROBOT MAFIA, adding a layer of excitement to the gameplay.

Drunk Robots continues to expand its reach through partnerships with influential organizations. Recently, the game partnered with Yield Guild Games SEA, which will enhance marketing efforts and attract new players to the universe. The game also received an investment from Animoca Brands, a global leader in decentralized gamification. Drunk Robots is set in Los Machines and offers an action-packed play-to-earn action-RPG experience built on the BNB Chain. Stay tuned for more updates and exciting developments in the world of Drunk Robots.

Frequently Asked Questions

The current price of Drunk Robots METAL is 0.00198464 USD.
The circulating supply of Drunk Robots is 222332000.
The total supply of Drunk Robots is 2750000000.
The max supply of Drunk Robots is 2750000000.
Unfortunately the country of Drunk Robots is unknown.
Drunk Robots is a cryptocurrency running on its own blockchain.
Drunk Robots reached an all-time-high of 0.681374 USD on 6 Oct 2022.

Github Statistics (Development)

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