Abi (ABI)

Abi (ABI)

Coin Information

Blockchain icon Blockchain: Solana
Ticker icon Ticker: ABI
Type icon Type: Token
Asset or Contract address icon Contract:

Price Statistics

Market Cap

Fully Diluted Valuation

$56 457

Coin Supply

Circ icon Circ.: 999 986 000(100%)Question Mark Icon
Total icon Total: 999 986 000
Max icon Max: 999 986 000

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About Abi

Abi (ABI) is a cryptocurrency that emphasizes the core values of family, community, and social impact. This token fosters a sense of connection among individuals and promotes collective responsibility for giving back to those in need. With its mission rooted in these fundamental principles, Abi has the vision to create a thriving ecosystem that benefits various meaningful causes, ensuring its success translates into positive outcomes for individuals and communities.

The development roadmap for Abi highlights several key phases that aim to establish a foundation for community engagement and expansion. The initial phase focuses on launching the token on the Solana network, creating a treasury for funding, and initiating community-building efforts through social media platforms. As the project progresses, it seeks to introduce ABI-branded merchandise, develop partnerships, and extend charitable initiatives that support educational institutions worldwide, mainly targeting areas such as Turkey, Russia, Japan, Korea, Latin America, the USA, and Europe.

In its quest for legacy, Abi aims to implement decentralized governance through a DAO, empowering the community to have a say in the future of the token. Additionally, the plan includes expanding charitable efforts and increasing the token’s presence on various exchanges. The introduction of “ABI Slang” aims to foster a unique culture within the Web3 space, further uniting its supporters and amplifying the impact of the community-driven initiatives that Abi embodies.

Frequently Asked Questions

We currently have no price information of Abi ABI available.
The circulating supply of Abi is 999986000.
The total supply of Abi is 999986000.
The max supply of Abi is 999986000.
Unfortunately the country of Abi is unknown.
Abi is a token running on the Solana blockchain.
Abi reached an all-time-high of USD on .
The contract address of Abi is F2w7z5sVe72SXnkj5qc48KXgXY2Pzj1fNtJXarmGpump.

Github Statistics (Development)

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