Coin Information

Blockchain icon Blockchain: Celo
Ticker icon Ticker: MENTO
Type icon Type: Token
Asset or Contract address icon Contract:

Price Statistics

Fully Diluted Valuation

Coin Supply

Total icon Total: 600 000 000
Max icon Max: 10 000 000 000

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Mento (MENTO) is a decentralized stablecoin platform designed to enhance the accessibility and reliability of digital currencies across the globe. Mento aims to facilitate financial inclusion and expand opportunities within the digital economy by focusing on creating a stable asset for every country. The platform’s mission revolves around revolutionizing the global financial landscape through a decentralized protocol that empowers communities, making digital currencies not only attainable but also functional for everyday use.

The core building blocks of Mento include principles of decentralization, diversification, and transparency. The platform operates through a suite of self-executing governable smart contracts owned by the community, ensuring collective and inclusive decision-making. Diversification of the Mento Reserve collateral effectively mitigates risks and bolsters the platform’s overall stability. Furthermore, transparency is a fundamental aspect, with the open-source nature of the code and publicly available Mento Reserve holdings instilling trust among users and stakeholders.

Key features of the Mento platform include overcollateralized stable assets and innovative safeguards like on-chain circuit breakers and trading limits. All stable assets within Mento, such as cUSD and cEUR, are 100% backed by stable collateral, providing a robust safety net. The platform is actively working towards becoming a leading hub for stablecoin deployment through Mento Labs, which offers easy-to-use tools for creating new stablecoins without technical barriers. Additionally, the built-in mechanisms for trading limits and circuit breakers enhance the platform’s security and responsiveness, ensuring that the trading environment remains stable and equitable for all participants.

Frequently Asked Questions

We currently have no price information of MENTO MENTO available.
The circulating supply of MENTO is unknown
The total supply of MENTO is 600000000.
The max supply of MENTO is 10000000000.
Unfortunately the country of MENTO is unknown.
MENTO is a token running on the Celo blockchain.
The contract address of MENTO is 0x7FF62f59e3e89EA34163EA1458EEBCc81177Cfb6.

Github Statistics (Development)

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