Samoyedcoin (SAMO)

Samoyedcoin (SAMO)

Coin Information

Flag of France France (FR)
Blockchain icon Blockchain: Solana
Ticker icon Ticker: SAMO
Type icon Type: Token
Asset or Contract address icon Contract:

Price Statistics

Market Cap

Fully Diluted Valuation

$58 005 633

Coin Supply

Circ icon Circ.: 4 182 495 347(30%)Question Mark Icon
Total icon Total: 14 000 000 000
Max icon Max: 14 000 000 000

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About Samoyedcoin

Samoyedcoin (SAMO) is an emerging digital asset and community that focuses on onboarding users to the Solana ecosystem, educating market participants, and fostering personal connections. Born amid the rise of meme coins and the growing popularity of Solana in 2021, SAMO initially started as a meme coin but has evolved into an experimental community coin that aims to be Solana’s ambassador. The SAMO community takes inspiration from those building in the Solana ecosystem and strives to accelerate the adoption, development, and growth of Solana through its vision, mission, and strategy. With its focus on education, personal connections, and navigating the crypto world, SAMO aims to be more than just a dog coin.

Buying $SAMO is a way to join the Samo Famo community. The coin can be purchased through a centralized exchange (CEX) or a decentralized exchange (DEX) such as Orca or Jupiter. Additionally, Samoyedcoin offers a collection of custom-designed NFTs that can be purchased on major NFT marketplaces like Magic Eden and Solanart. By owning $SAMO or a SAMO NFT, individuals gain access to VIP channels and events in the Samoyedcoin Discord. In the future, both $SAMO and SAMO NFT holders will be able to access SAMO DAO. The coin also holds utility across various Solana-based platforms and offers the opportunity to tie one’s online identity with the Samo Famo community.

What sets SAMO apart from other dog coins like Dogecoin and Shiba Inu is its focus on being an efficient, eco-friendly, and scarce digital asset. Built on the Solana blockchain, SAMO benefits from the technological advantages it provides. Solana’s fast transaction speeds, low fees, and energy efficiency make it an ideal choice for SAMO. Additionally, the SAMO community differentiates itself by fostering a non-shill, transparent, and free-spirited culture. SAMO deliberately avoids disingenuous practices often seen in other meme and community coins, aiming to provide a stable and authentic community for its members.

Frequently Asked Questions

The current price of Samoyedcoin SAMO is 0.00416216 USD.
The circulating supply of Samoyedcoin is 4182495347.
The total supply of Samoyedcoin is 14000000000.
The max supply of Samoyedcoin is 14000000000.
Samoyedcoin is based in: France.
Samoyedcoin is a token running on the Solana blockchain.
Samoyedcoin reached an all-time-high of 0.230634 USD on 28 Oct 2021.
The contract address of Samoyedcoin is 7xKXtg2CW87d97TXJSDpbD5jBkheTqA83TZRuJosgAsU.

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