Wormhole Bridged WETH (Celo) (WETH)

Wormhole Bridged WETH (Celo) (WETH)

Coin Information

Blockchain icon Blockchain: Celo
Ticker icon Ticker: WETH
Type icon Type: Token
Asset or Contract address icon Contract:

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Total icon Total: 4 248

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About Wormhole Bridged WETH (Celo)

Wormhole Bridged WETH (Celo) (WETH) is a multichain token designed to facilitate cross-chain interoperability and enhance the experience of decentralized applications (dApps). Built on the Wormhole platform, WETH leverages an open-source framework that allows developers to efficiently create and integrate multichain applications. With a focus on security and performance, Wormhole has established itself as a trusted provider within the blockchain ecosystem, recognized for its unique ability to connect various blockchains seamlessly.

The platform emphasizes its commitment to security through a robust network of validators known as Wormhole Guardians, ensuring that transactions remain secure and reliable. With over 1 billion messages sent and over 200 applications utilizing its messaging capabilities, Wormhole enables developers to build custom multichain solutions that interact with any supported blockchain. The integration process is simplified for developers, allowing them to implement bridging functionalities with minimal code, thereby accelerating the development of multi-chain applications.

Wormhole Bridged WETH (Celo) contributes to the vibrant Wormhole ecosystem, supported by a strong community of over 700,000 members and leading industry backers. This ecosystem promotes the growth of innovative Web3 applications by providing tools and resources for multichain builders. With live governance options available for W token holders through the Tally Governance Portal, the Wormhole platform empowers its community to shape its future direction actively, thus affirming its dedication to a decentralized and collaborative approach.

Frequently Asked Questions

We currently have no price information of Wormhole Bridged WETH (Celo) WETH available.
The circulating supply of Wormhole Bridged WETH (Celo) is unknown
The total supply of Wormhole Bridged WETH (Celo) is 4248.
The max supply of Wormhole Bridged WETH (Celo) is unknown.
Unfortunately the country of Wormhole Bridged WETH (Celo) is unknown.
Wormhole Bridged WETH (Celo) is a token running on the Celo blockchain.
The contract address of Wormhole Bridged WETH (Celo) is 0x66803FB87aBd4aaC3cbB3fAd7C3aa01f6F3FB207.

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