Xtoom (XTOO)

Xtoom (XTOO)

Coin Information

Blockchain icon Blockchain: Binance Smart Chain
Ticker icon Ticker: XTOO
Type icon Type: Token
Company icon Company: Xtoom
Asset or Contract address icon Contract:

Price Statistics

Fully Diluted Valuation

Coin Supply

Circ icon Circ.: 50 000 000(100%)Question Mark Icon
Total icon Total: 50 000 000
Max icon Max: 50 000 000

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XTOO to USD Converter

About Xtoom

XTOOM represents a unique opportunity in the world of cryptocurrencies. Let me introduce you to the key aspects that make this project attractive:

Diversification and Growth Potential: XTOOM offers a way to diversify your investment portfolio. By supporting a variety of investments in different sectors and markets, it provides access to growth opportunities across diverse areas.

Deflationary Value: The deflationary characteristic of XTOOM is a significant factor. As its supply is gradually reduced, its value has the potential to increase over time, benefiting long-term investors.

Core Values: XTOOM is founded on principles such as honesty, transparency, and integrity. These values are essential for building a strong and trustworthy community in the cryptocurrency world.

Automatic Dividends in ADA: Holders of a significant amount of XTOOM automatically receive a percentage of every buy and sell transaction made with XTOOM, paid in Cardano’s ADA cryptocurrency. This creates a passive income stream for investors.

Relationship with Cardano: ADA is a cryptocurrency backed by the Cardano project, a third-generation blockchain platform. The partnership with Cardano adds credibility and growth potential to the XTOOM ecosystem.

In summary, XTOOM combines investment opportunities, ethical values, and active participation in a project backed by a solid cryptocurrency. As an investor, you can be part of an engaged community and benefit from ongoing growth.

Frequently Asked Questions

We currently have no price information of Xtoom XTOO available.
The circulating supply of Xtoom is 50000000.
The total supply of Xtoom is 50000000.
The max supply of Xtoom is 50000000.
Xtoom is a decentralized coin.
Xtoom is a token running on the Binance Smart Chain blockchain.
The contract address of Xtoom is 0x5cFC37a4AE6108E146f2Bbed702c4AcaBB5a149a.

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