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Dawkoins (DAW)

Dawkoins (DAW)

Coin Information

Blockchain icon Blockchain: Solana
Ticker icon Ticker: DAW
Type icon Type: Token
Company icon Company: Dawkoins On Sol
Asset or Contract address icon Contract:

Price Statistics

Market Cap

Fully Diluted Valuation

Coin Supply

Circ icon Circ.: 989 500 136(100%)Question Mark Icon
Total icon Total: 989 500 136
Max icon Max: 1 000 000 000

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About Dawkoins

What Is Dawkoins (DAW)?

Dawkoins (DAW) is a decentralized meme token designed to thrive in the crypto community. Named in honor of Richard Dawkins, the father of memes, Dawkoins aims to celebrate and promote the rich legacy of memes in the digital space.

Full community driven!

How Many Dawkoins (DAW) Are There in Circulation?

Dawkoins operates on the Solana (SOL) blockchain, with a fixed supply of 1 billion tokens. As of now, the circulating supply is around 989.5 million DAW tokens.

Our symbol is “DAW,” and you can find us on the Solana blockchain with our contract address: 7cb67ev3jvBKaAH1tnVM8FL8WfQ96sa2TYByEXajqx8N.
The circulating supply represents all the tokens actively being traded on different exchanges and used within the Dawkoins ecosystem. With a limited supply, the token emphasizes scarcity to maintain its value.

Being on Solana enables super-fast and low-cost transactions, making it easy for users to send and receive Dawkoins whenever they want.

Our goal at Dawkoins is to be as transparent as possible about our tokenomics and supply metrics and build trust and confidence within our community and with potential investors, creating a lively and sustainable ecosystem for Dawkoins to thrive.

Who Are the Founders of Dawkoins?

KOM and I are good friends outside the crypto sphere, bonded by our shared experiences in high-paying corporate sales careers. My crypto journey began in 2013 with Bitcoin, leading to significant gains. KOM has been a steadfast holder of XRP since 2016, reaping the rewards during the 2017 bull run.

Together, we’ve invested our resources into this Community Takeover (CTO) project, supported by our team and the wider community. Our motivations extend beyond financial gain; we’re driven by a shared passion to propel our meme token to the forefront of the market.

Our ultimate goal is to position this meme token as the number one choice during the bull run, not just for profit, but to honour and cement the legacy of Richard Dawkins in the realm of blockchain memes. Dawkins’ influence has shaped a generation, and we believe paying homage to his contributions to meme culture within the crypto space is essential.

Frequently Asked Questions

We currently have no price information of Dawkoins DAW available.
The circulating supply of Dawkoins is 989500136.
The total supply of Dawkoins is 989500136.
The max supply of Dawkoins is 1000000000.
Dawkoins is a decentralized coin.
Dawkoins is a token running on the Solana blockchain.
The contract address of Dawkoins is 7cb67ev3jvBKaAH1tnVM8FL8WfQ96sa2TYByEXajqx8N.

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