Blockchain Expo

Blockchain Expo

Company Information

Company icon Company: TechEx Media Ltd
Type icon Type: Private

Contact Info


Operating status icon Status: Active

Social Media & News

What is Blockchain Expo?

“Blockchain Expo World Series is made up of 3 conferences throughout the year, Global, Europe and North America. The World’s largest Blockchain Conferences and Exhibitions focus on the future of enterprise technology. Two days of top-level content from leading brands, embracing and developing cutting-edge blockchain technologies.

The Blockchain event is co-located with the IoT Tech Expo, AI & Big Data Expo, and Cyber Security & Cloud Expo alongside TechForge’s Digital Transformation Week and Edge Computing Expo, so you can explore the convergence of these technologies in one place. The conference agendas will present a series of expert keynotes, interactive panel discussions and solution-based case studies. All exploring the key industries that are set to be disrupted the most by this new technology, including; legal sectors, retail, financial services, healthcare, insurance, energy, music, government, real estate and more.”

Frequently Asked Questions

Blockchain Expo is based in: United Kingdom.
Blockchain Expo is categorized as the type: Private.
Blockchain Expo falls under the category Events & Summits.
Blockchain Expo is still operational.
The legal name of Blockchain Expo is TechEx Media Ltd.
The year that Blockchain Expo was founded is unknown.

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