InfStones Global

InfStones Global

Company Information

Company icon Company: INFSTONES Limited
Type icon Type: Private

Contact Info


Operating status icon Status: Active


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What is InfStones Global?


Our story begins with our founder, Dr. Zhenwu Shi. While studying for his Ph.D. at the Georgia Institute of Technology in 2013, Zhenwu came across a new digital currency called Bitcoin during a test of algorithms for his research.

After testing its mining algorithm, Zhenwu became intrigued by Bitcoin. He liked the fact that it was decentralized, and that the ecosystem surrounding it was collaborative. After completing his Ph.D., Zhenwu immediately joined Oracle as a senior software engineer. While there, he also continued to learn more about blockchain technology, developing a passion for it.”

Frequently Asked Questions

InfStones Global is based in: United States of America.
InfStones Global is categorized as the type: Private.
InfStones Global falls under the category Staking.
InfStones Global is still operational.
The legal name of InfStones Global is INFSTONES Limited.
The year that InfStones Global was founded is unknown.

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