Daniel de Vries

Daniel de Vries is a digital entrepreneur and full-time blockchain enthusiast. In 2013, he made his first crypto investment. His interest in the blockchain continues to grow every day.

An introduction to Bitcoin CFD Trading

Gain insights into Bitcoin CFD trading, from understanding the mechanics of crypto CFDs to comparing platforms and assessing the advantages,

Trading Explained

Crypto Order Books Explained

This blog post explains cryptocurrency order books, how they work, and how to read them. It covers sell walls and


Who is Satoshi Nakamoto?

The identity of Satoshi Nakamoto, the founder of Bitcoin, remains a mystery to this day. In this blog post, we

Technical Analysis

What Is A Bear Trap?

Learn about the deceptive technical indicator known as a bear trap in the trading industry and how it can entice

Technical Analysis

What Is A Bull Trap?

Table of Contents Transactions in today’s age have evolved–from personally running errands to the banks to conveniently paying bills on

Trading Explained

Trading 101: Order Types Explained

Learn about the different order types and how they can impact your investment outcomes in this article. From limit orders

Technical Analysis

What is a Fakeout?

Fakeouts are a common phenomenon in the financial and crypto markets. Read here about how to detect them and minimize

Technical Analysis

What is the MACD indicator?

Table of Contents What is MACD? MACD stands for Moving Average Convergence/Divergence and is an indicator traders use to see

Technical Analysis

What is a DIP?

A dip is a rapid decrease in the value of a security (such as a stock, bitcoin, oil, etc.). Dips

Technical Analysis

What is TA (Technical Analysis)?

Introduction TA is the abbreviation for Technical Analysis. Technical analysis focuses entirely on analyzing the price development of a security.


What is Ethereum?

The Ethereum blockchain went live on July 30th, 2015. Ethereum consists of one blockchain where both its own transactions (ether)


What is Bitcoin?

Bitcoin is the first ever working cryptocurrency. Bitcoin consists of two ‘main parts’. On the one hand, you have the

Blockchain Explained

What is Blockchain?

Blockchain is a cryptocurrency system in which a record of transactions are maintained within an encrypted database across a linked


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